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Special Issue: Product Development by Set-Based Design Method II

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Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.57, No.9 2022
Special Issue: Product Development by Set-Based Design Method II


A Survey of Set-based Design Method (What Differs Between Set-based and Point-based Designs?)
Haruo ISHIKAWA, Takeo KATO, 419

Data-Driven Set-Based Design Method and Applications to Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization
Kohei SHINTANI, 427

Applying Set Based Design Method to Development of a Rocket Engine
Fumihisa NAGASHIMA, Shinji ISHIHARA, Hatsuo MORI, 435

Application of Set-Based Design Method to Upgradable Product Design (Preparation for Side Effects and Planning for Upgrades)
Shuho YAMADA, Masato INOUE, 441

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Instrument for Scanning Whole Surface of Object and Shape of Space around Instrument Simultaneously Using Two-Dimensional Laser Range Scanner and Mirrors
Mitsuhiro MATSUMOTO, 447

Investigation of Stress Distribution around Rib Part for a Small and High-Strength Spiral Bevel Gear with Rib Part Fabricated using Five-Axis Controlled Machining Center
Masahiro SAITO, Shinya TOYOTA, Toshiki HIROGAKI, Eiichi AOYAMA, 463