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Eiji Mutoh Valuable Publishing Award

1. Introduction

From year 2007, JSDE has given Eiji Mutoh Valuable Publishing Award (VP award) for individuals who worked for beneficial publication that contribute to the progress of design engineering regardless of publishers, if they were JSDE or any other associations. This award has been established based on the fund donated by Mr. Eiji Mutoh, ex-senior executive director of Mutoh Industries Ltd., and has been given to outstanding publications that contribute the progress of design engineering, in order to support the global spreading of research and educational outcomes and to attend to Mr. Mutoh’s will. The brief of this award is as follows.

  1. This award is given to authors who worked for beneficial publication that contribute to the progress of design engineering regardless of publishers, if they were JSDE or any other associations.
  2. The intended publication is those which has been published within three years from current year. The number of awarding is limited up to three, in each year.
  3. Anyone who wish to be awarded can nominate oneself by using VP award nomination form which can be downloaded from the following link. The appliation period is from August to October in each year.
  4. “Eiji Mutoh Valuable Publishing Award Inquiry Committee” evaluates the followings, based on the evaluation rule:
    1. Originality The publication must be remarkably original on design engineering field.
    2. Contribution The publication must contribute in at least one of the following fields:
      • Engineering field
      • Industrial field
      • Educational field
      • Public information of JSDE activities
    3. Prevalence The circulation and sold amount are evaluated as the criterion of prevalence of a publication.
  5. The announcement of the winners and award ceremony are held at general meeting in the next year. Testimonial and prize medal are given to winners.

2. Call for Nominations

This year’s Eiji Mutoh Valuable Publishing Award nomination guidelines will be posted here as soon as they are decided.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to jimukyoku@jsde.or.jp.

3. List of Honors

We apologize for the confusion of the format. It will be fixed.

  • 2017 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2017 Spring Annual Conference
    • Yoshiyuki Matsuoka (Keio University)
      Design Science for Product Creation × Product Usage —10 Guidelines for Creating New Values Toward Business Strategy—
  • 2016 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2017 Spring Annual Conference
  • 2015 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2016 Spring Annual Conference
    • Tadao TSUKADA(Tokyo Institute of Technology Honorary professor),Hiroaki FUNAHASHI(Tokyo Institute of Technology Honorary professor),Shoji NOGUCHI(Tokyo University of Science)
      To publication of the book, “Introduction to mechanical design (First Stage series)”
  • 2014 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2015 Spring Annual Conference
    • Shinya SASAKIA (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Masyuki SHIMA (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology), Shoji NOGUCHI (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Tatsuhiro JIBIKI (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology), Tomoko HIRAYAMA (Doshisha Univ.), Koji MIYAKE (AIST), Koshi ADACHI (Tohoku Univ.)
      To publication of the book, “Begining of tribology”
    • Hiromu HASHIMOTO (Tokai Univ.), Koichi KAWAKAMI (Converting Technical Institute)
      To publication of the book, “Introduction to web handling”
    • Shinji HASHIMURA (Sibaura Inst. of Tech.)
      To publication of the book, “Design and maintenance bolts to prevent troubles”
  • 2013 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2014 Spring Annual Conference
    • Yasuyuki YAMAGIWA (Tokyo Zokei Univ.)
      To publication of the book, “Decompostion design engineering”
    • Kazuyosh NISHIHARA (Osaka Electro-communications Univ.)
      To publication of the book, “Fundamental graphics and drafting”
  • 2012 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2013 Spring Annual Conference
    • Akira YOSHIDA (Okayama University)
      To publication of the book, “Rolling contact fatigue life and bearing stress strength analysis for tribological design”
    • Mami NISHIDA (Kanto Gakuin University)
      To publication of the book, “Mechatronics the beginning – Basic recipe of mechanics, electronics and information engineering”
  • 2011 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2012 Spring Annual Conference
    • Yasuyuki YAMAGIWA(Tokyo Zokei University)
      To publication of the book, “Design of Assemblability and Disassemblability – Monotsukuri considering resource circulation -“
  • 2010 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2011 Spring Annual Conference
    • Yoshimasa KUNII (Kunii Professional Engineer Design Office)
      To publication of the book, “Follow me to be a 3D-CAD professional with skill of workpiece design”
    • Hiromu Hashimoto
      To publication of the book, “Basics of Tribology”
  • 2009 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2010 Spring Annual Conference
    • Yoshimasa KUNII (Kunii Professional Engineer Design Office)
      To publication of the book, “Follow me to be an excellent engineer with skill of design plan”
    • Shigeo HIRANO (Tokyo City University), Sozo SEKIGUCHI (Artner Co. Ltd.)
      To publication of the book, “Creation and production – From idea to realization -“
    • Shigeka YOSHIMOTO (Tokyo University of Science), Hirokazu SHIMODA (Meiji University), Shoji NOGUCHI (Tokyo University of Science), Nobuyuki IWATSUKI (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Shigeo SHIMIZU (Meiji University)
      To publication of the book, “Mechanical design – Machine elements and mechanical systems -“
  • 2008 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2009 Spring Annual Conference
    • Yoshimasa KUNII (Kunii Professional Engineer Design Office)
      To publication of the book, “Follow me to obtain skills of knowledge of processing and design estimation”
    • Satoshi KISHI (Nagano National College of Technology), Tomio HORIUCHI (Nagano National College of Technology), Shoichi MURAOKA (Larch Management Research), Hiroshi KURIYAMA (PLANER Co. Ltd.) and Shinji KASEI (Shinshu University)
      To publication of the book, “Introduction to mechanical design with 3D-CAD – Paraphernalia for design beginners -“
  • 2007 Eiji Mutoh Award Valuable Publishing Award given at 2008 Spring Annual Conference
    • Sozo SEKIGUCHI(Artner Co. Ltd.) and Shigeo HIRANO(Musashi Institute of Technology)
      To publication of the book, “Practical design techniques”