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株式会社アビリカ ロゴ

事務局 Office


2-22-17 Ceramics Building, Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0073

E-mail: jimukyoku@jsde.or.jp
Tel: 03-5348-6301
Fax: 03-5348-6280

English ←→ 日本語

About the transition to the new homepage

From September 11th, the website of the Japan Society for Design Engineering has changed to a new format.
There are some imperfections, and we are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the website administrator.

There are no changes to the JSDE Portal.

If you need to access the old pages, please use the links below.
Please forgive us if it is not displayed correctly.

Request regarding email address

We send e-mails to our members several times a month. If you have not received it, it is assumed that your e-mail address has been registered correctly. In such a case, please contact the head office.