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Special Issue: Advanced Structures Realized by Additive Manufacturing

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Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.12 2024
Special Issue: Advanced Structures Realized by Additive Manufacturing


Structural Analysis and Design for Lattice Structures
Kuniharu USHIJIMA, 565

Reduction of Residual Deformation of Metal additive Manufacturing by Lattice Structure Optimization
Akihiro TAKEZAWA, 571

Energy Absorption Structures Based on Origami Tessellation
Sunao TOMITA, 577

Graded Porous Structure Creatation with Metal Additive Manufacturing (Proposal of Rhizoid Porous Structure (RPS) and Its Application)
Masayoshi MIZUTANI, 583

Porous Structure for Shock Absorber Based on Voronoi Structure
Satoshi OKUBO, 590

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Thin Hole Creation inside a Hole by Means of Electrical Discharge Machining
Ryuta KUBOTA, Tohru ISHIDA, Akira MIZOBUCHI, 597

Development of Ball Screw having Asymmetric Thread Groove Form (2nd Report, Evaluation of Indentation Resistance and Fatigue Life)
Shoji NOGUCHI, Yoshihiro HAMADA, Tohru TAKAHASHI, 609

Research on Torque Characteristics of Small Ball Bearings under Grease Lubrication (Effect of Measurement Time on Torque of Extra Small Ball Bearings 608)
Masahiro HIGASHI, Shoji NOGUCHI, Tomoya HOTTA, 619


Erratum: Project-Based Learning in Collaboration with a Local Company, in Vol. 59, No. 11, P. 551