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株式会社アルトナー ロゴ

事務局 Office


2-22-17 Ceramics Building, Hyakunincho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0073

E-mail: jimukyoku@jsde.or.jp
Tel: 03-5348-6301
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English ←→ 日本語

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.60, No.3 2025
Special Issue: Mobility Creation and Design 2


Development and Design of Railway Rolling Stock
Shoji NISHIGAKI, 121

The Development History and Practical Application of the Next-Generation Tilt Control System
(From the Perspective of Actuator Development)
Akihito KAZATO, 129

Development Trends of ASV ‘KaiKoo’; Mobile Cell Site for Underwater Vehicles
Hiroshi MATSUMOTO, Takao SAWA, 135

Non-contact Type Climber for Space Elevator
Takayoshi NARITA, Hideaki KATO, 142

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Adhesive Strength Improvement of Butt Joint due to Duplicated Interaction of Additional Notch
Kazuhiro ODA, Marika TAKEO, Kazuki IDE, Noriko TSUTSUMI, Nao-Aki NODA, 149

Visualization of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in the Urea-SCR System Using High-Speed Camera
(Construction of the Visualization Experimental Equipment and the Influence Comparison of the Gas Temperature by PIV Analysis)
Naoki SUGIYAMA, Jyo ONO, Tetsuo NOHARA, Shotaro NARA, Yuki KAWAMOTO, Naoya FUKUSHIMA, Masayuki OCHIAI, 163