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Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.60, No.3 2025
Special Issue: Mobility Creation and Design 2


Development and Design of Railway Rolling Stock
Shoji NISHIGAKI, 121

The Development History and Practical Application of the Next-Generation Tilt Control System
(From the Perspective of Actuator Development)
Akihito KAZATO, 129

Development Trends of ASV ‘KaiKoo’; Mobile Cell Site for Underwater Vehicles
Hiroshi MATSUMOTO, Takao SAWA, 135

Non-contact Type Climber for Space Elevator
Takayoshi NARITA, Hideaki KATO, 142

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Adhesive Strength Improvement of Butt Joint due to Duplicated Interaction of Additional Notch
Kazuhiro ODA, Marika TAKEO, Kazuki IDE, Noriko TSUTSUMI, Nao-Aki NODA, 149

Visualization of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in the Urea-SCR System Using High-Speed Camera
(Construction of the Visualization Experimental Equipment and the Influence Comparison of the Gas Temperature by PIV Analysis)
Naoki SUGIYAMA, Jyo ONO, Tetsuo NOHARA, Shotaro NARA, Yuki KAWAMOTO, Naoya FUKUSHIMA, Masayuki OCHIAI, 163

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.60, No.2 2025
Special Issue: Mobility Creation and Design 1


Learn Craftsmanship Through Activity of Student Formula
Kyohei SATO, 53

Engineering Design in Academia and in Actual Development
Makoto YAMAUCHI, 61

Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Management for Railway Operators
Tsuyoshi SUZUKI, 65

Pitfalls in Automotive Suspension Geometry Design
(Critical Review of the Roll Center Concept & Introduction of a Clearly Defined Roll Model)
Ikkei KOBAYASHI, Hideaki KATO, Takayoshi NARITA, 72

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Study on Springback Prediction Method in Rebar Bending
Satoshi HIGAKI, Ikuho MATSUKUMA, Tomoki GO, Masahiro SASADA, Tatsuya TANAKA, 81

Design and Development of Active-manual for Driver
(1st Report, Classification of Cognition by Proficient of Driving Support Equipment)
Naoki NISHIMURA, Hitoshi SOMA,
Yasushi YOKOYA, 97

Cooling Characteristics of Air-Cooled Cylinder with Fins with Slits under Forced Convection
(3rd Report, Cooling Effects of Number of Slits in Front)
Masao YOSHIDA, Kohei NAKASHIMA, Kento NISHII, Sota HIRAI, Shinya OZAKI, Nobuyuki OKURA, 109

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.60, No.1 2025
Special Issue: Design Education Through Student Competitions

The New Year Greeting
Nobuyuki IWATSUKI, 1


Additive Manufacturing Education for Students Through Design Competition
Hiroko SUZUKI, 2

KOSEN Material Contest
(Engineering Education to Inherit KOSEN, Material Engineering, and Culture)
Daisuke SASAKI, 7

Activities of “Casting Contest” for Young Engineers Development

Learning and Feeling Basic Design from Introduction to Manufacturing Creation

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Analysis of Assembly Variation by Positioning Between Two Parts using a Hole and a Slot
(2nd Report, Derivation of the Radius of Circle Circumscribing the Rattling Area)
Shinya SUZUKI, Akimasa OTSUKA, Yuki KAWAGUCHI, Tohru KANADA, 27

Study on Lubrication Properties of Screw Tightening Lubricant PIB under Various Surface Roughness Conditions using ECR Method and In-situ Observation
Takefumi OTSU, Kyoichi KOMATSU, Shinji HASHIMURA, 39

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.12 2024
Special Issue: Advanced Structures Realized by Additive Manufacturing


Structural Analysis and Design for Lattice Structures
Kuniharu USHIJIMA, 565

Reduction of Residual Deformation of Metal additive Manufacturing by Lattice Structure Optimization
Akihiro TAKEZAWA, 571

Energy Absorption Structures Based on Origami Tessellation
Sunao TOMITA, 577

Graded Porous Structure Creatation with Metal Additive Manufacturing (Proposal of Rhizoid Porous Structure (RPS) and Its Application)
Masayoshi MIZUTANI, 583

Porous Structure for Shock Absorber Based on Voronoi Structure
Satoshi OKUBO, 590

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Thin Hole Creation inside a Hole by Means of Electrical Discharge Machining
Ryuta KUBOTA, Tohru ISHIDA, Akira MIZOBUCHI, 597

Development of Ball Screw having Asymmetric Thread Groove Form (2nd Report, Evaluation of Indentation Resistance and Fatigue Life)
Shoji NOGUCHI, Yoshihiro HAMADA, Tohru TAKAHASHI, 609

Research on Torque Characteristics of Small Ball Bearings under Grease Lubrication (Effect of Measurement Time on Torque of Extra Small Ball Bearings 608)
Masahiro HIGASHI, Shoji NOGUCHI, Tomoya HOTTA, 619


Erratum: Project-Based Learning in Collaboration with a Local Company, in Vol. 59, No. 11, P. 551

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.11 2024
Special Issue: New Relationship between Design and Materials


About Special Issue “New Relationship between Design and Materials”
Tamotsu MURAKAMI, 509


Non-Metal Wheelchair
Hideyuki KITAMI, 510

Resin Thrust/Radial Bearing
Shuuichi NOWATARI, Atsuhiko HOTANI, Shigeo MIYAKE, 514

Robots and Electric Mobility Devices with Inflatable Structure
Ryuma NIIYAMA, 518

Verification of Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Effect and Durability Performance of New Material Made from Food Ingredients Only

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Influence of Die Shape and Configuration on the Elastic Deformation of Die in Cold Forging
Yoshimi MURATA, Yuichiro SUZUKI, 529

Effect of Initial Grease Filling State on Torque of Small Ball Bearing 6204
Masahiro HIGASHI, Shoji NOGUCHI, Tomoya HOTTA, 539

Note (Published in J-STAGE)

Project-Based Learning in Collaboration with a Local Company
Koichiro YAMADA, Kaoru TOYODA, Takao MUROMAKI, Kengo KIHARA, Haruki NITTA, 551

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.10 2024
Special Issue: Research in Collaboration with Local Community


Study on Side-View Mirror Vibration Induced by Separating Vortices
Shigeru OGAWA, Takahiro NOMURA, Yuji YAMADA, 447

Effect of Doctor Blade Wear and Damage on Printing Quality in Gravure Printing
Yoshiko KUNIYASU, 455

Upgrading of Mixing Performance and Verification of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Kazutaka TAKATA, Masahiro HASEGAWA, Shujirou KAMAKURA, 461

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Measurement of Displacement Distribution in Simple Upsetting by Capacitive Displacement Transducer
Yoshimi MURATA, Masaki SATO, 469

Analysis of Self-Locking Condition of Gear Train and its Application to Wheelchair as a Clutch Mechanism
Takeshi SATO, Tadashi HORIBE, Nobuhide ITOH, Kotaro MORI, 477

A Design Method of Tread Patterns Simultaneously Realizing Functionality and Aesthetics by Using Data-Driven Optimization Computation
Taisei KII, Kazuki IMAMURA, Ryo TSUMOTO, Shintaro YAMASAKI, Kentaro YAJI, Kikuo FUJITA, 493

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.9 2024
Special Issue: Current Status and Case Studies of STEM and STEAM Education


How to Think about STEM/STEAM Education (Through the Concept of Engineering and Creation Activities by Engineering Design Process
Tadashi OHTANI, 399

Practice Examples of STEAM Education in Kanagawa Technical Senior High School
Satoshi KAWAKAMI, 406

Practice Examples of STEAM Education in Oita Prefectural Kunisaki High School
Takashi NAKAGAWA, Hiroko YABUKI, 413

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Measurement Accuracy of Elastic Deformation of Die by Capacitive Displacement Transducer
Yoshimi MURATA, Takashi KAI, 421

A Study on Green Straight Bevel Gears Molded with Only Bamboo Fiber Extracted by Machining Center (The Influence of Outer End Plate Geometry on Tooth Root Strain)
Masao NAKAGAWA, Nao MIYACHI, Soichiro NAKAYA, Toshiki HIROGAKI, Eiichi AOYAMA, Hiromichi NOBE, 431

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.8 2024
Special Issue: Best Presentation Papers at Annual Conference on Spring and Autumn

Relationship between Length of Chain and Torque Changes for Crawler
Saki ITO, Yusuke OTA, 349

A Study on the Optimal Design for the Social Implementation of Microhydraulic Power Generation
Yuki SETO, Masahiro SETO, Masashi YAMABE, 352

Taxiing Simulation of a Flying Fish using a Digital 3D Biological Specimen

Study on 3D-CAD Design by 3D Annotated Model (Features at Design Contest 2022)
Yuto HIDAKA, Yoshimasa MIYAGI, Minoru HOSHINO, 357

A Synthesis of 2 Adjacent Links to Specify Output Angle Limits and Its Application to a Finger Mechanism with Multiple Phalanx
Nobuyuki IWATSUKI, Soichiro SHIKANAI, Kotaro HOSHIBA, 360

Simulation of Eyeglasses Fitting using Physics Engine
Takashi KAWAMOTO, 363

Development of Motors for EV Energy-saving Race with 3DCAD in JST Fostering Next-generation Scientists Program
Tetsuya OIZUMI, Toshihiko ANDO, 368

Development of High Slip-Resistant Footwear Outsole Using Rubber Surface Filled with Activated Carbon/Sodium Chloride
Toshiaki NISHI, Takeshi YAMAGUCHI, 371

Study on Variable PWM Control of Electric Vehicle Motor
Haruki OOTA, Tomoyuki MIYASHITA, 374

Behavior of the Forces and Pressure Distribution Acting on a Sphere Near the Critical Reynolds Number
Hiroki MIYABE, Nobuyuki OKURA, Masahiro SUZUKI, 379

Accuracy Verification of Autonomous Transfer Robot on Designated Route
Taisei ISHIYAMA, Akihiro ISHIKAWA, Michiaki SHISHIDO, 382

Paper (Published in J-STAGE)

Field Experiments for Improvement of Oxygen Dissolution Capacity of A Conventional Hypolimnetic Aerator
Akinori NAKATA, Asato MARUYA, Shinji NAITO, Shota YOSHIKAWA, 385

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.7 2024
Special Issue: Visualization and Nondestructive Inspection


Analysis Techniques for Tribological Phenomena Utilizing In Situ Observation and AE Sensing
Alan HASE, 301

In-Situ Observation of Lubrication Films by Surface Plasmon Contact Surface Microscopy
Satoru MAEGAWA, 310

Non-Destructive Visualizing Inspection of In-Roll Structures of Film Roll by Optical Coherence Tomography

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Trial of CAD/CAM/CAE Education and Online Teaching in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hirotaka TSUTSUMI, Jyo SHIMURA, 325

Prediction of Natural Frequencies of Annular Sandwich Plates with Lattice Cores
Zhengyu LI, Takumi ASAKURA, Kuniharu USHIJIMA, 333


Erratum: Advanced Design, Technology Integration and Technology Management Strategies in Advanced Semiconductors, in Vol. 59, No. 6, P. 250

Journal “Design Engineering” Vol.59, No.6 2024
Special Issue: Application of Natural Language Processing in Design (2)


Acquisition of Design Knowledge from Text such as Specifications and Defect Reports
Kazuhiro AOYAMA, 239

Advanced Design Technology Integration and Technology Management Strategies in Advanced Semiconductors
Kazuya OKAMOTO, 248

Support of DfX Learning and Upstream Design using Large Language Models
Tatsunori HARA, Taisei KAWAMURA, Jun OTA, 259

Assessment of Concept Similarity and Design Concept Generation based on Distributional Representation
Yutaka NOMAGUCHI, 266

Papers (Published in J-STAGE)

Research on Torque Characteristics of Small Ball Bearings under Grease Lubrication (Torque Current Status Investigation of Extra Small Ball Bearings 608)
Shoji NOGUCHI, Masahiro HIGASHI, Tomoya HOTTA, 275

Out-of-plane Crushing Characteristics of Bio-inspired Honeycomb Cores with Square Tubes
Yue BEN, Sachiko ISHIDA, Kazuya SAITO, Hiroshi OOKUBO, 287